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A buffered alkalinity cleaner for flex circuits

FlexClean DM is a powerful, non-foaming, free rinsing, buffered alkaline cleaner specifically designed to clean Copper on exposed alkali-sensitive substrates, including polyimide. It will remove oven baked residues, oxidation, fingerprints, and oils, all without attack of alkali sensitive substrates, or removal of any Copper metal.

FlexClean DM may be used in conjunction with an acid cleaner, or if required, a light microetch. If a microetch is used, much lower levels of metal removal are fully acceptable, thus minimizing costs and reject rate. Use of FlexClean DM will leave the copper surface bright, oxidation-free and ready for photoresist application, or oxide without any attack on the exposed substrate, or the Copper.

All of this is because the potent cleaning agents in FlexClean DM destroy organo-metallic compounds present on the Copper surfaces, and leave a light anti-tarnish to retard oxidation.

Make up at 25% by volume in tap or deionized water.

May be used in spray or soak (immersion) application. Use at 100º-160º F, lower temperatures require longer contact times with cleaner. Increasing operating temperature 20º F doubles cleaning speed. Time required for cleaning is controlled by temperature, local water conditions, and choice of soldermask. Typical cleaning time should be 1-4 minutes.

Heaters may be Stainless Steel, Titanium, or Teflon coated. Flood type nozzles are preferred in spray equipment, although others may be used.


FlexClean DM is a mildly alkaline cleaner, and typically should have minimal effect if contact is made with skin. However, contact with eyes can be extremely irritating. RD Chemical Company recommends normal safety precautions for dealing with alkaline cleaners, and avoidance of contact with either concentrate or use solutions. Consult Material Safety Data Sheet for further information.

Biodegradable, containing no solvents, FlexClean DM is a chelated, mild alkaline cleaner. Spent solutions may contain heavy metals which will need to be removed before disposal. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. Contact your RD Chemical representative for further information.


Available in 5 gallon and 55 gallon poly drums.

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