ElectroPolish Ti2 RDZ-1676

Electropolish for Stents
ElectroPolish Ti2 (RDZ-1676) will polish Titanium and Titanium alloys to a gleaming, specular, smooth surface, in minimum time, and with minimal metal loss. ElectroPolish Ti2 (RDZ-1676) polishes more smoothly, and with less metal loss than other conventional electropolish. For best results, precede ElectroPolish Ti2 (RDZ-1676) with MicroClean Ti™ (RDZ-1849) followed by a water rinse, then an Isopropyl Alcohol rinse, then into ElectroPolish Ti2 (RDZ-1676).MAKE-UP:
Use as received, do not allow to be contaminated with water. Use at room temperature.
Very high voltage may be required to get any polishing to occur, depending on placement of cathode. Voltages over 30 volts may be needed. Solution agitation will lower voltage requirements. Current density is not fully understood at this time, but extremely high current density (300+ ASF) has produced excellent results. Cover bath when not in use to minimize water pickup.
ElectroPolish Ti2 (RDZ-1676) is combustible, and under heavy use, could warm to its flash point. Use caution, keep the rectifier away from bath fumes. Keep bath under 90° F. Heavy use may require cooling to keep bath temperature under control.
ElectroPolish Ti2 (RDZ-1676) contains a strong acid, and can burn exposed skin. Workers should be protected from exposure with Neoprene rubber clothing, and full-face shield, or splash goggles. Consult Material Safety Data Sheet for further information.
DISPOSAL:Used ElectroPolish Ti2 (RDZ-1676) may contain heavy metals that which need to be removed before disposal. If no heavy metals are involved, simple dilution and neutralization is usually enough for most sanitary districts. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. Contact your RD Chemical representative for further information.
4 liter bottles, 20 liter, 200 liter drums.
products in
Medical Equipment Industry