MicroClean™ BS RDZ-1816

De-Oxidizer for Nitinol
A deoxidizer for removing extreme oxides formed by high temperature on Nitinol, and other Titanium alloys. MicroClean™ BS (RDZ-1816)will cause some low level metal attack, but usually will clean up essentially any oxide level in a short time (1-5 minutes) and metal loss within this time is minimal. If any metal loss is not acceptable, use MicroClean™ Ti (RDZ-1849), which will deoxidize much more slowly, but will give zero metal attack.MAKE-UP:
Use as received, do not dilute. May be used at room temperature, or heated. There is no maximum temperature. Higher temperatures result in more rapid deoxidation, and metal loss.
Immerse parts in solution, agitation will speed oxide removal. Ideal operation is to treat parts in MicroClean™ BS (RDZ-1816) , then rinse rapidly in water, and do final treatment/deoxidize in MicroClean™ Ti (RDZ-1849). Then rinse.
Use/store only in plastic containers, will attack most metals and glass.
Contains strong acids, use with caution, do not allow to contact skin, or eyes. If contact occurs, wash immediately with cold tap water. Consult Material Safety Data Sheet for further information.
May contain dissolved heavy metals when spent, depending on alloy being cleaned, which must be removed before disposal. Also contains Fluorides, which are restricted in some jurisdictions. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. Contact your RD Chemical representative for further information.
4 liter bottles, and 20 liter pails, and 200 Liter Drums.
products in
Medical Equipment Industry